Have to admit that this year of AI has been what I had always expected it to be! I wonder if this year is actually the norm and the last couple of seasons have just been good despite the voting public!? This year, of course, has reflected the incredible taste of the general public (whoever said groupthink is always good should pay attention to this years AI).
However, now that Sanjaya is finally off I can actually stand to watch the show and not shrug it off as a joke! As Dwight would say, "Unshun!"
On an even more cynical note . . . I wonder how others feel about AI getting on board with the whole Africa thing. AI is obviously a business, so I wonder what the motivation is here? I am not claiming that intentions are bad, just asking a question! Whether the intentions are good or not is somewhat beside the point, if it helps others!
I do know that the church should learn something from AI, VH1, and MTV (man that is a lot of acronyms). All three of these empires knows who their audience is, and they know their audience wants to make a difference. AI is getting on the Africa bandwagon (MTV has been on it for a long time), and MTV spent the end of February and beginning of March last year encouraging students to spend spring break in New Orleans helping to rebuild. The church rejects the influence of MTV, VH1, etc., but we have something to learn from them. The younger generations aren't as interested in propositional truth as they are in reaching out and making a difference in the world! This is at the heart of Jesus' message, the church just needs to do a better of living it and empowering others to do the same!