Thursday, April 20, 2006

Gospel of Judas?

Many of have heard the recent reports on the "newly discovered" Gospel of Judas. Here are some links that might be insightful. Dr. Witherington is a NT scholar from Asbury. He has been on ABC news, NPR, etc. He has been sought as an authority in the discussion about the ossuary of James. Anyway, would love to get your feedback!

These link to the national geographic stories

A couple of responses from Dr. Witherington:

1 comment:

whytim said...

Well I finally got around to reading this all. Thank you for it. I am not going to say anything directly connected to it, mostly because I would look like an idiot compared to the discussions you linked too. However, I do often think how it is funny that we try so hard to make sure that nothing historical is viewed as truth. The church, for the most part, refuses to use or acknowledge other historical "biblical" writings. Now, when it comes to new modern writings we are not so concerned. How many churches endorse and push some book that has some great revelation. Most of them are not biblical studies. All they are is some person's view on what is right or how they cope with religion. Maybe I am crazy, but I find it funny that as long as it was written in the last 50 years it can be accepted and used, but if it was any earlier than that nothing good can come from it. And that’s my 2 worthless cents.