Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Don't know if you have taken a Perspectives course or not. If not, you should! I took the class, and now have friends going through it. The course is focused on missions in the church (history, theory and Biblical mandate). The class starts with the Biblical mandate, and it is interesting to see how shocked people are to learn that the Biblical mandate starts in Genesis and not at the Great Commission. When I took the class I heard people ask, "Why haven't we heard this before?". My friends are now hearing and asking the same question. The immediate answer to the question is that practical christianity has beaten out Biblical Christianity (which is practical) for some reason. We hear more sermons on how to be a good: employee, father, mother, etc. and how to be: blessed, rich, comfortable, etc. I don't know why or how that has happened, but it seems to be the case!

If you can take Perspectives, do it!!! At least attend the first two or three classes! If you can't do that, start with this article from Christianity Today.

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